Clear communication doesn't have to be proper or polite or PC.
It just has to be correct. For both parties.
Correct. As in, entered into correctly.
Some tend to forget, or throw their strategy out the window when dealing with others online, as if it's some magical barrier.
Something to consider:
No choice means no choice.
It means that an increase in awareness does not change what's happening.
It only changes how you see what's happening.
It's about seeing.
Sound painful?
Join the club, I've been here all my life.
When people see me in different states of being they don't really know what's going on internally. I do.
This is your life.
This is your role to play.
Stop letting other people dictate your lines. They're already written. And they're inside of you!
If people insinuate (unironically) that you are too serious, or too sad, or too happy, or too rambunctious, or too playful, or whatever, understand that they are not you (The Passenger).
Let your body be free. Follow your design and watch the show.
From my perspective, about 95% of others (online and in-person) still look like a bunch of extras trying to tell each other how to play the leading role, trying to dictate lines, delivery, emoting, technique, when they don't even know what part they're designed to be playing! Lmao
Focus on your own roles and then you'll see the irony.
The real humor, the real irony is that someone who comes across serious most of the time (sometimes) could actually BE the passenger laughing their ass off.
I'm speaking from experience here. 😂😉
External vs Internal.
People tend to forget they're speaking to the whole being. And that the person in the meat-suit is having a different experience than what they appear to be experiencing or comprehending externally. (Somebody can walk by you on the street and you may think they didn't see you, but if you asked them what they saw, they may or may not be able to articulate it perfectly). This is a concept I refer to in my book as "The Stained Shirt".
In other words, things are never as they seem, until you see how you are here to see.
-The Autodidact