I started the Autodidact Foundation because I'm an individual with original thought regardless of what groups of people- friends, family, associates, ideas I've seemingly been affiliated with at any point in my life.
Here people are taught to be self-taught (the opposite of how you're trained by others).
I work with you on uncovering your completely unique natural process. This is completely unique to each individual!
Eventually you won't even need my coaching, (unless you continue to choose it.) That's the goal though. To make you 100% functional as yourself without preconceived notions and extra add-ons that others installed in your brain and body when your firewall was down.
The irony of the Autodidact Foundation is that I started it to help others return to themselves, to increase awareness in an objective way with personal flair on both sides (which is obviously an involved process).
"Tabula Rasa" (Philosopher John Locke in 1690) is the blank slate theory that supposes the idea that we are all born as blank slates- essentially all the same- before society, our families, the media and the like have had their way with us so-to-speak.
This concept lends a personal license for "carte-blanche" to the individual ("awarding" free rein to the individual).
However, this theory could be dangerous if one considers that we aren't all born as blank slates, that we are in fact born with different proclivities and energetic hardware so-to-speak.
This theory is not the same as the concept of the "Noble Savage"- which is disputed widely and subjected as more of a moral debate than Tabula Rasa.
In a future post I can discuss how these concepts both coincide and oppose each other in different contexts.
Nonetheless, both concepts allude to the potential of individual human development being dependent upon either nature or nurture, or some combination of the two.
For the past 4 years I've written, studied, and thought about nature vs nurture- and in what varying degrees and in what contexts either component would take precedence over the other.
Tabula Rasa says that you are all the same when you come into this world.
That's not true.
You are all of the same source (more or less) BEFORE you come into this world.
Once you come into this world you have proclivities- and this is why you don't function properly when you're programmed to be something other than you want to be. It gets confusing when you don't understand the difference between what your being truly is destined to be and what you THINK you're here to be.
Never fear, this is the part where someone could take advantage of you if they wanted to by slamming you into a state of cognitive dissonance and forcing their agenda on you, whether consciously or unconsciously- bless their hearts.
Luckily that won't happen here because you are being taught to seek your internal compass rather than excepting my ideas at face value.
This process is about unlearning who you THINK you need to be and uncovering (remembering or relearning) who you ACTUALLY are.
I'm not going to solve the struggle for you. I'm not going to repair the warring halves of your soul. Unfortunately that's a fallacy. And anyone who proclaims to be able to do that for you is selling you. Bless their unawareness. (Although they're probably aware of their salesmanship to a degree.)
I can aid you and teach you techniques that could work for you in your unique development. That's the part where I am a mirror for you to discover what works and what doesn't with as much accuracy as humanly possible.
You will have to live with the warring halves of your soul all of your human life. That is the balance of nature vs nurture that allows you to have this unique experience as an individual here on earth. Tip the scale too far either way, too intensely for too long and death is what you find. Some would call that Tabula Rasa.
I'm offering you a service based on my inherent gifts to fulfill my purpose here in this existence.
My writing of this is as selfish as your reading of this.
Mutual benefit.
That's what this is about.
As soon as you can't benefit from me, you walk on, regardless of how you justify it to yourself or to me.
I'm here to teach you how to leave me alone.
With love.
That's true love.
Wanting you to stand on your own despite our subjective experience of each other.
That's the job of any parent.
That's God.
That's unconditional love.
That's the real secret.
-Micah Jacobs- The Autodidact
The Autodidact Foundation
Everyone is an A student
