"The Individual, and the Collective" (Part I, and Part II of my book, respectively) "I have individual AND collective channels in the head. I've always been concerned with balancing the two, but not at the expense of my own being (Hence, the content of the books I was writing for years prior to Human Design, and my current studies in Human Design). I have more individual circuitry than collective or tribal. Almost entirely dormant gates. That is, my very existence makes me a mutative force, fueling your inspiration to be you as an individual while also unconsciously/autonomously projecting out logical impersonal formulas for the collective body. My sun sign is in a dormant 55.2, which denotes that I'm either perceived by you as incredibly trustworthy, or suspicious and unwieldy due to the fact that I'm designed to unconsciously project individual expression outwards through a wave of passion, among others. This tint, shade, or hue comes out emotionally and amplifies the energy of the people I'm conditioned by when I'm close with someone in my life who has emotional definition. I ride the emotional wave with them and amplify it, or not. I either get the opportunity to express the energy or I don't. Sometimes the suppression of the energy leads to melancholy, depression, or explosion. This is chemistry. It's not a diagnosis or problem to be fixed lol! Unless you're the not-self. This is why mental health professionals are comical to me. Every design can be explained logically and guided, brought back to the true nature of who they really are. Either way, I sometimes experience and sometimes express the wave, from joy to sadness and back, when I'm emotionally hooked up, hence the distrust it can bring from the other. It makes people uncomfortable sometimes. "Well, I can't trust you... Are you happy, or are you sad? Which is it?" It's neither. I AM neither. I AM experiencing those emotional waves vicariously through the other and sometimes amplifying or projecting that outwards to the other(s). I "AM" NOT an emotional being. But I do have feelings, and I do experience emotions. In other words, I only appear as an emotional being sometimes, because my design sun - among other gates in my incarnation cross - (AKA 70% of who I "am") is a dormant gate, and I'm a conduit for that energetic expression. Think about this. I could post anything emotional, create a song, poetry, an art piece, etc that strikes you as incredibly emotional. Your first inclination is to believe that that's me. It's not me. It's an expression that comes through me. I'm a mental guy. That's me. When you are touched by my mind, that's true recognition of "me". You are more than welcome to appreciate my expressions of energy as well. That's what makes life enjoyable. The beauty of the openness to external conditioning forces. Lots of potential for nurturing influence. Just don't base your understanding of who I am on an emotional wave that doesn't even belong to me in the first place. I'm just here for the ride. To experience it. That's awareness. Take a look behind the scenes and learn the mechanics of Human Design." -Micah Jacobs, The Autodidact