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"Shared Reality"- mind spillings in line with my concept from The Autodidact Bible

Writer's picture: Micah JacobsMicah Jacobs

If I was granted one wish it would be to be face to face with you (the person reading this). Staring into your eyes. Enjoying our shared reality together, away from the mess that the third person inevitably brings. Away from the tribe. Away from the collective. Away from "paradise". It would be just me and you. Being ourselves together. Our shared reality. And we could be there in our shared reality together for as little or as long as felt natural. And I see it. This has been my life before. I've shared this with many. And it was an absolute honor. We knew our "time" in shared reality was limited. And yet we lived every moment of it in full awareness together. It's just me and you. But the others have contorted that. They call us silly in our shared reality and they call me silly when I'm an absolute on my own. I have no respect for the group. It's a sickness by it's very nature. It doesn't matter how many well-meaning, "peaceful", loving beings congregate together. There will inevitably be war when you go over two people. Just me and you. Just me, and you. And Zoboomafoo! 😂 I had to break that tone. Cause why not? This is our shared reality. And we don't have rules. We can not only be ourselves, we can share ourselves with each other without fear of retribution for some false agenda, or story, or narrative put in place by the expectations of the others. I love me. And I love you (the person reading this). Everyone else can go fuck themselves. 😝 Be an individual. You can't be yourself if you're a crowd, whether you think you're "surrendered" or not. Surrender to yourself, not to the collective pudding that only uses you as a rechargeable disposable battery. I don't share a lot of my writing for good reason. But who really cares anymore. Everyone thinks they have something worthwhile to say. It's not always the case. With myself either. But I do believe I have a lot written that could be of benefit to others... It's just a matter of whether it's received correctly, or stolen, repurposed, reformatted, and sold as their own, while my physical body withers away and my soul remains unfulfilled. My contribution washed down the drain due to incorrect timing. And it's not about the correct timing these dumbfucks harp away about when they want me to be "on-time" for things. I AM. I BE. I AM on time. I'm ME! You're the one who's off time. I'm here to set an example. Not to be one for society. I'm an individual that makes contributions. The collective and the tribe benefit from me indirectly, and then they turn around behind my back and spit on me. It's not a person who does this. It's not even a group of people. It's THE group. Any group. The individuals in the group fall fast asleep and start putting on uniforms instead of wearing the costumes they were born into. Perfect timing is divine timing. It's also no-choice. It's what happens naturally when you stop interfering with mind!! With agendas, with time constraints, with projections, with expectations. Remember "time" is the biggest manipulation tool there is, other than withholding food, water, and material resources. How do you expect guides to help you in this world if you don't help them materially, willingly? Do you really want them to step on your fucking head, metaphorically speaking, to get one over on you, to show you they are superior in their awareness, so you'll show them some respect? News flash: they're busy manipulating you and lying to you right now because you pukes are too busy trying to fuck them over instead of turning to them for proper guidance through the times we find ourselves in. You've left them with no choice. They must survive. And you think we are all energetic equals... You've conflated human energy with humanity. The world is in shambles. And your bright thoughts and well wishes don't make a difference. Your increased awareness could. And certainly your material investment in your own future by teaming up with someone who knows what's actually going on. Many will die in the not so distant future. Billions. And all due to unbridled, not-self inflicted ignorance. What a shame. When you're complicit in protocols enforced by the inner-workings of Wa dynamics that keep us all enslaved, using us all as crusty batteries, you fuck over those of us that aren't even batteries in the first place. Some of you are Energizer bunnies, so you don't bat an eye. You think everyone is an Energizer bunny or a Duracell. (And now those companies get their free advertisement by living through my brain and gushing out of my unconscious into a blog post...) I digress. Some of you are designed to sustain physical work for longer than others. And you aren't designed to be slaves either. But think about others that aren't made of what you're made of. Some of us are passive speaker cabinets. Vintage gear waiting for the correct person to plug in and play our song together. We can't do that when we have 100V running through us per the WAs orders that you enforce and comply with unconsciously. The very people who are offering to help free you are the same people your not-self wants back in chains. Individuals aren't interested in slaving for no benefit. Ironically, you could restore yourself too, if you would wake up and stop trying to pull people back into voluntary involuntary slavery with you. Notice I change points of view when I write. Sometimes it's first person. Sometimes it's second person. Sometimes it's third person limited. Sometimes it's third person omniscient. That's because we are not limited in the way we believe we are. We only "believe" we are. Step outside the box for a minute, or a lifetime rather. Just you and me. Just you and me...

This is all just stream of consciousness writing, in the moment... Which is just another way of saying, Micah being Micah unfiltered. All for you to pick it apart in pieces. To object to parts of it. To judge it. To criticize. To make amendments. MeThiNkS. MeThiNkS. MeThiNkS.

I'd rather you find the gold in what I'm saying, even if you have to sort through the dust and coal to get to it.

Just do me a favor and talk about the gold.

I don't care about the other critiques. I've assuredly already thought of them.

I could write in a million directions and someone would still have something to criticize.

That's unnecessary.

I don't need to write volumes upon volumes for the right people to understand me.

All it takes is for the right person to see me for who and what I am, and I remain free.

Otherwise you tie me up with petty bullshit, inconsequential, unnecessary, half-assed, half-hearted, opinionated personal "not-self" beliefs. Just see the fuckin' beauty in imperfect perfection and shut up. I'll follow suit and do the same. See, sometimes individuals can do the same thing, but only willingly. 😉 I don't own my thoughts. They live rent-free in my mind, but unfortunately I don't live rent-free. I have a physical body to take care of.

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