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Monetary Exchange is Placebo for Energy

Writer's picture: Micah JacobsMicah Jacobs

If you know how your energy operates and how the energy of others operates why would you pretend that you don't?...






Paper-tiger responsibilities?

The answer is: the not-self

The not-self is where you are open to receiving. It is not where you are open to operating from.

You cannot operate from openness consistently or reliably. It's impossible. And unsustainable. And dishonest. This is where you learn. Where you take your courses in life (undefined centers), or where you've gone above and beyond in past incarnations (open centers).

Why would you let others hold you, with expectation, to what is not you?? That's literally slavery. Energetic slavery (has nothing to do with what color you are, or what gender you are).

"You can't handle the truth!" - A Few Good Men Why do you think everyone and their mother just went into business for themselves the past year and a half? All selling the not-self. Selling different versions of reality. If everyone was always self, there would be perfect order and/or none at all. Unfortunately, it doesn't work like that. Karma is a mechanism, not something we get to alter with our best intentions. It's based on your nature. Your self. There is no choice. As soon as you can accept that, you can finally "heal" and accept that neither you nor others are responsible for the past or the future. Ironically, it will free you and everyone else... Far more than pretending that doing a few Hail Marys was what made them "change". Or fill-in-the-blank with whatever placebo or healing modality that you prefer. In a perfect world everyone would understand energy exchange, blame and guilt wouldn't exist, and we could live in absolute harmony. But instead we get stuck with this Darwinian shit. "The world is a vampire." Eating away at itself just to survive. Energy types sell placebos to guides. And guides buy it through their open centers. Through the not-self... "Thinking" that they are doing something by buying. When really, the dynamic has been reversed. It's ass-backward. Guides paying energy types with energy (money, material resources) they don't even have in hopes that they'll get to ride that energy into the sunset. Guides are addicted to energy. Pull out. And get your birthright. You won't know who you are as a guide until you stand alone in your definition at all costs.

Standing alone at all costs is more than just fleeing the nest and securing an income.

You have to have correct allies.

Not not-self relationships entered into incorrectly.

If you aren't honored for only your definition, then the other has an expectation that you "should" or "need to" DO more (which is nightmarish for a projector that is here to guide others).

What is your definition?

Can you stand in that definition?

Or will you cave, avoid the truth, and allow others to trample you in their blissful unawareness?

Stand up! Your definition is what you are to be seen for.

You are much more than simply your definition.

But again, what is consistent and reliable in you is your definition.

The only way you can have healthy, sustainable relationships is to enter relationships based on mutual correctness. Seeing each other for the other's DEFINITION.

That is also the definition of an ally.

You have to see yourself and the other for what you are.

If you don't, you'll see... It's a ticking time-bomb. But hey, it's your life.

Either way, don't take it too seriously.

Just live it correctly... As yourself... Or not.

Be furniture in somebody else's movie.

Or live the life that you were actually designed for.

-The Autodidact

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